Application for Credit Transfer of Self-Directed Learning: MOOCs

  • 2025-02-05
  • 教務處
Students can transfer up to 4 credits after completing courses from Coursera, Udacity, and edX platforms.
Steps for credit transfer:

1. Register an account on the three major platforms.

2. Choose the course you wish to take; some courses require a fee. (Each course must have at least 16 hours of instruction) 

3. After completing the course, capture the completion certificate, course hours, and grade screen (including your name). Submit these along with the credit transfer application form to the General Education Center on the 2nd floor of the Administration Building after the semester starts.

 After the review is completed, it may take up to five working days. Then, log in the Academic Information System (Student Version), select Credit Transfer and Exemption, and check the  learning MOOCs credit count.