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Course Information

共教邏輯組 學分學程英文版 20240417
Course Introduction
Foundation Computational Thinking and Programming Using information technologies to solve problems is an important skill in today's workplace. High-level workers often need to design a series of instructions to use information tools or make information equipment operate automatically according to needs. To have this ability, you need to have a good "computational thinking". Through group unplugged activities, this course will learn how to apply computational thinking to solve problems (without the use of information equipment), and then learn basic program/command design skills through visual programming tools. Finally, let group make multimedia project, to make sure they can apply "computational thinking skill". Those who complete this course will have the foundation to develop information application software (such as APP application software) and information application system (such as the Internet of Things).
Information Technology
and the Way of Life
The IT(Information technology) already is an inseparable part of our lives, including digital applications such as the Internet, mobile applications, 3C electronic consumer products, wearable devices, and online games; while we embrace technology, we should also pay attention to its reasonable and safe use.
Although "technology always comes from human nature," technology should improve and promote human life, rather than cause the degradation of mankind and the collapse of civilization.
This course is based on a digital learning course on information literacy and ethics developed by the Ministry of Education. It uses diverse and realistic teaching content designs to guide students to understand the characteristics of the Internet community and cultivate students to pay attention to information security and Internet ethics. At the same time, this course will also introduce many new information technology applications, and group discussions will help students understand and achieve the course goals.
Advanced Applications of Spreadsheets and Program This course teaches how to use EXCEL functions and VBA programming to solve practical problems in life.
Mobile App Development This course aims to teach students to develop mobile applications through MIT App Inventor, a visual programming language. Students who intend to enroll in this course are suggested to have basic programming skills and know basic programming concepts such as variables, selection, and loops. (Those who need to learn basic programming skills are encouraged to enroll in another general education course - "Computational Thinking and Programming".)
Learn to Code: Images, Animation, and Games This course will take MIT Release's Open Source development environment-Processing as the main teaching target.
Algorithms in Daily Lives In this course, we introduce the algorithms that one may encounter in daily lives. We will get an insight of each algorithm through implementation. 
Data Science and Computer Programming Through a series of data analytics real life applications, the course aims to equip students with the ability to collect, cleanse, analyze, and present data in an effective manner, which is important as the Big Data Era has come to be. The course covers control flow, common data structures, string processing, file processing, functional programing, data visualization, web scraping, and data analysis.
Big Data Programming Python is an easy-to-learn, powerful programming language. It has a high-performance data structure and a simple and effective way to implement object-oriented programming.
Python is widely used for big data analysis. This course covers the basics of Python, including basic data types (numbers, strings), input and output, procedural control, function definitions, and data structures such as lists, tuples, dictionaries, collections, modules, classes and objects, inheritance, the Python standard library, and error and exception handling.
Finally, we will cover how to use Python for big data processing, including data extraction and analysis, data normalization, data visualization, and data storage and reading. Theoretical courses are combined with hands-on programming to develop students' programming logic and problem-solving skills.
Learning Analytics Tools Implementation Applications This course is a preparatory course to meet the practical course requirements, which enables students to understand how to use cloud technology, digital tools, and programming languages to develop application software, familiarize themselves with the tools and cloud platforms needed in the before during, and after stages of application software development, and use Microsoft Azure cloud big data technology to implement educational extensive data analysis. The learning results of data analysis will be used to conduct feasibility product development training.
Introduction to Web Programming This course starts with an introduction to web design and website operation, and primarily focuses on learning JavaScript programming language. The course aims to train students to acquire the fundamental programming skills required for front-end web development.
Structured Query Language (SQL) and Database Design In today's information-driven society, the processing and utilization of big data have become essential components of the workforce. Therefore, developing data processing skills and proficiency in information tool applications will be vital skills for the future. This course is an extension of "Advanced Applications of Spreadsheets and Programming" and "Advanced Spreadsheet Tools for Business Analysis" allowing students who are interested in learning about big data analysis to delve into database applications.
This course will use the Microsoft Office suite, specifically MS Access, as the primary focus of instruction and learning. In addition to mastering data processing and application techniques, students will also gain a conceptual understanding of relational databases. They will learn Structured Query Language (SQL) for database structure and querying. This knowledge will enable them to efficiently manage large volumes of data in the future, using structured database tools for data operations. This data can then be accessed for value-added applications on other information platforms or big data analysis tools.

Introduction to Python Programming

In this course, we will use the Python programming language to learn basic programming concepts. It emphasizes a step-by-step learning approach, starting from zero, so that students can develop a solid programming background. Before students have a solid programming background, they are not expected to deal with complicated programs.
Interdisciplinary Applications Textual Data Analysis This course uses Python3 programming language to serve the purpose of Chinese Text Processing. It is designed for students with basic programming ability and interests in learning linguistic and text processing.
Toolkits such as Jieba, CKIPTagger, Articut NLP system and NLTK will be introduced in this course. Besides, all assignments are given with reference of real-world problems instead of toy questions.
Learning Programming for Music In this course, we will use ChucK, which is a music producing tool developed by Princeton University. Different from most of the music programming languages, which are visual-type programming languages, ChucK is a text-based programing language developed based on C. Therefore, the logic for programming in ChucK, such as loop statements, if statements, objective-oriented programming, is more like those for other traditional languages. ChucK is also designed for making synthesizers, therefore, it can be to the tool for audio and music compositional projects.
Computer Programming and Data Analysis in Sports This course aims to develop basic programming and problem solving skill by writing Python programs to do simple data processing and analysis of data in sports.
Scientific Computing Scientific computing is a multidisciplinary field that solves problems with computers. The problems usually arise from mathematics, biology, physics, chemistry and so on. This course provides an introduction to basic python programming concepts and the techniques that can be used to solve scientific problems by modeling. 
Fundamental Programming for Digital Music and Sound Synthesis Because of the development of music-related AI area and multidisciplinary trends in science and music, the skills of digital music and audio synthesis are gradually needed by industries. The knowledge of digital music involves three areas: music, electrical engineering, and computer science; thus, it is not easy for beginners to understand. In this course, the teacher will teach students the way to program and design digital music. Students will learn related programming languages, including chucK (for sound synthesis), Python (for editing and analyzing MIDI data), and Scratch (for auditory-visual interactive projects).
Advanced Spreadsheet Tools for Business Analysis In the future, Information Technology ability will be the competitiveness of students in the workplace. Mastering various data processing methods and approaches such as data collection, data cleaning, analysis and application is the key to the road to Big Data. Business Intelligence is also a competitive advantage for businesses.
Therefore, this course starts from the application of data analysis in academic research to the application of data analysis in business. It will provide students with the mastery of various data collection and processing methods from data extraction to data visualization. Also, learn excel advanced applications, PowerPivot, PowerMap, and even PowerBI analysis tools. Let everyone become a data analysis expert.
Biomedical and Health Data Analytics This course introduces the use of health data from wearable devices and patient data from electronic health records (EHR) to explore the potential of data driven personal health management and study the role of data in biomedical research and healthcare systems. The course also covers the very basics of database management, and the extract, transform, load (ETL) techniques. Students without programming concepts are advised to take Computational Thinking and Programming prior to enrolling.
Data Science in Education Research Thepurpose of this courseis to introduce the application of python modules and libraries in data science analysis. This course also introduce different types of educational big data databases to lead students in data exploration as well as to develop the ability in solving practical educational problems.
Fine Arts and Programming This course is a Interdisciplinary curriculum ,aiming to guide students to experience both art creation and computer programming through the integration of art and programming.
 The teacher will inspire students' creative inspiration through the introduction of art styles, and we will use programming as a medium to lead students to create a variety of works of artistic creation styles, analyze and display the works. During artistic creation, students will learn the basic concepts and skills of programming.
This course offers students opportunities to appreciate and analyze various artistic creation styles, and experience the process of using programming as a creative medium. Furthermore, it is designed to inspire students’ creative thinking in interdisciplinary context.
Digital storytelling and learning technologies The objective of this course is to develop students’ ability of digital storytelling so that they can think how to integrate learning technologies and digital storytelling as powerful and engaging products with humanities and cultures. In the future, they can further apply what they learned to educational or commercial creation areas.
Digital storytelling and learning technologies In the rapidly evolving landscape of technology, Generative AI stands at the forefront, reshaping how knowledge work is conducted across various industries. This course is designed to equip students with an understanding of the fundamental concepts of Data Science, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Discriminative AI, and Generative AI, with a focus on language models in the first half, extending to image generation, and further to video and music generation in multimodal formats in the latter half. Through a blend of theoretical knowledge and practical applications, students will learn to navigate the potential of Generative AI in creative content creation, problem-solving, and innovation. The course includes hands-on projects where students will first draft a personalized proposal using related tools, showcasing their unique skills or interests, followed by a final project that involves creating a video utilizing at least two technologies learned during the course. This course aims to provide students with the skills to harness the power of Generative AI, opening up new avenues for future knowledge workers in an AI-driven world.